Abstract Factory: Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. - Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software The quote above is from the the Gang of Four book and describes the intent of the Abstract Factory design pattern. The original book goes into a lot more detail about how you … [Read more...]
23 Software Design Patterns That Will Make You a More Effective Programmer
Want to increase your coding efficiency and write code that's not like spaghetti? Here are 23 software design patterns that are sure to help. … [Read more...]
What is the Post Redirect Get Pattern?
The Post Redirect Get (PRG) pattern is used in web applications to prevent duplicate form submissions. If you are not using the PRG pattern, you might find your web application producing multiple business transactions. This is definitely something you don't want happening in e-commerce or banking applications. … [Read more...]