The Edimax Wireless nano USB Adapter is a common adapter and works well with Raspbian. However, it doesn't work with the base install of Windows IoT Core. Here's how to get it working. … [Read more...]
Installing x11vnc on Raspbian, and Connecting to Raspberry Pi with VNC Viewer
If your Raspberry Pi does not have a mouse and keyboard connected, or it's in a different room. You will want to configure x11vnc so that you can connect to the primary X11 session with VNC Viewer. This post will show you how. … [Read more...]
How to Emulate Raspbian under Windows 8.1 for Raspberry Pi 2
I just ordered the new Raspberry Pi 2 so that I could see how well it runs Mono. The problem, is itӳ not going to be delivered until the end of February, and I wanted to get started writing some test programs straight away. After doing some investigation, I have found out you can emulate Raspbian using a program called QEMU. Here is a guide on how to emulate the latest version … [Read more...]